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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
Name: Aishen

Appearance: Tall, light build, dark hair and reddish-brown complexion. They dress in loose silks.

Home Region: Sub-desert planes.

Housing: Tents or walled stone and adobe villages.

Diet: Primarily herdsmen, with limited agriculture.

Social/Political Structure: Highly tribal, ruled by elders, but there is also a hierarchy of tribes with a senior elder over all the tribes.

Additional Information: Aishen are known to be excellent horsemen, learned scholars, and powerful leaders. They are often seen as a sober, serious people, though they are always courteous and generous to strangers.
<html><img src="anghar-globe.jpg" align="left" style="padding:0 3px 3px 0"></html>The World of Anghar exists in a system of eight planets. Each of Anghar's neighbors corresponds with one of the Seven Spheres of Magery and is viewed by the inhabitants as being the seat or throne of one of the Seven Servants.

Anghar has 4 moons called Vaudra "the father", Maudra "the mother", Kini "the child" and Skotothanos "the dark moon." 

*Vadra travels in an extreme elliptical orbit drawing near the planet and then receding. 
*Madra is the largest of the four moons. It is so large that on a clear night, when it is full, the reflected sunlight can light up the sky as bright as dawn. 
*Kini is a very small moon that tidal locked to Maudra so that it always faces the Mother. 
*Skotothanos is always considered to be an evil omen. It is a small, dark, gaseous sphere that travels in a tight nearly geostationary orbit, circling the planet a little under 24 hours. On very rare occasions when this moon eclipses the sun, it glows with a dark blood-red color surrounding a black center and covers the world in ruddy light for most of the day.
[[The Elemental Spheres]]
[[Lands of Anghar]]
[[City States and Kingdoms]]
[[The History of Anghar]]
[[The Hierarchy]]
[[The Eight Races]]
[[The Demi-Humans]]
[[The Dark Races]]
Dragon History
The first Dragon was created by the High Lord Phylax (FIE-lax) near the end of the First Age as a living, self-replicating schema (spell). Foreseeing the rise of the Anarch and knowing that the Crysknights would not be able to protect man from the approaching Elemental War, Phylax created the first dragon to guard and protect mankind. Unfortunately Phylax was killed while in the act of finishing, disrupting the schema and altering the outcome. Instead of one dragon, two were created. The first, Archyron (ar-KIE-ron), became known as The Drakyre (dra-KEER) or Dragon Lord. The second, Nyrlth (nigh-RILTH) Ikthul (ik-THOOL), became the mother of all dragon kind. For a brief while, Archyron and Nyrlth were happy together. But as the war approached, Nyrlth sided with the N'kroi and the forces of death who sought to overthrow the High Lords and the Overlord of the Seven Spheres. It was during this struggle that Archyron mortally wounded the undying Nyrlth though she escaped.

In the intervening years Nyrlth abandoned her own kind and bred with other creatures, earning the title "Mother of Abominations". The Spawn of Ikthul soon became feared throughout several worlds, especially the half-human Drakonin (drak-OH-nin). It would be several ages before a reluctant Archyron, circumventing his own law, would use his own half-human son to banish Nyrlth (hopefully forever) to the Void.

Dragon Physiology
Dragons are divided into two different groups. The common draek is a winged reptile. It may vary in size from that of a man to a city block. At best they can only be considered semi-intelligent.

True dragons are born fully intelligent. They are living creatures of pure Xaris energy. From infancy to early adulthood, they have a physical form like that of a common draek. But, after a short breeding season, they metamorph into their true form. A mature dragon (who has gone through metamorphosis) may take any form it likes while on the physical plane, but they generally prefer only two. The draek form is most convenient when a dragon needs to tap into its magical abilities; otherwise most dragons prefer the human form whose limited senses are especially suited for a physical realm.

Dragon Life Cycle
When a dracaena (dra-KAI-na, or female dragon) is ready to lay her eggs, she finds a draek's nest in which to deposit them. Magically stunning the draek, the dracaena enters the lair and deposits a clutch of three to nine eggs (with six being the average). If the draek mother awakens too soon from her magical sleep, she will destroy the dragon's eggs, which are oblong, flexible and leathery unlike the draek's eggs, which are hard and white and somewhat larger.

The baby dragons will awaken almost immediately and begin a race for power and position that will consume them their entire lives. Ripping open the tough egg casing with a razor sharp "egg tooth" (which points backwards from their snout), the baby dragons begin breaking into the draek's eggs and consuming them. Being born intelligent, the young dragons will even use sticks or rocks as tools to crack the hard shell.

The dragons are very aware that the one who consumes the most food and amasses the most raw physical power will have an initial advantage over his siblings. (Obviously birth order is important in the hierarchy of dragons.) Occasionally, though only extremely rarely, a dragon has been known to consume one of his siblings in the initial competition for food. Since dragons never truly die, this usually results in insanity for the consuming dragon, as he constantly struggles to master the other personality within him.

Once a dragon reaches maturity, he quickly begins looking to breed. Dragons only breed once, and having accomplished that, they go through metamorphosis into their true form. In essence, they simply shed their physical bodies and leave the material word, passing into realm mortals cannot even guess at.

Dragon's Pearl
One of the most amazing facets of dragon physiology is the "Dragon's Pearl". The dragon's pearl is a crystal sphere created within the dragon's body that contains the dragon's essence or life force. The pearl is a translucent/opalescent sphere about the size of a man's head, though it may vary in size. It serves as the dragon's anchor to the material world and is one of the rarest treasures one can find. The truly amazing thing about the dragon's pearl is that the dragon itself can cough it up and hide it away, instilling in the dragon a significant immunity to magic, particularly against spells of a non-physical nature. Unfortunately, it can also render the dragon helpless if the pearl finds its way into the wrong hands.

When an adult dragon is preparing to undergo metamorphosis, he often hides the pearl away to protect it while it ventures into other realms. If the pearl is destroyed, the dragon will be unable to return. When he does return, the pearl serves as an egg, through which a new physical body may be hatched. As long as the pearl is safe, the dragon is never without a body. However if the pearl is destroyed the dragon loses his connection to the material world. His physical body will be destroyed, and his eternal spirit will be left to wander the higher planes.

The length of time a dragon wanders among the higher planes after metamorphosis varies wildly. If he is gone too long, the connection will be lost and the pearl will "die", becoming comparatively cloudy and dull. These "dead" pearls are still extremely valuable and are often collected by both humans and other metamorphosed dragons (the other dragons sometimes magic these dead pearls into decoys for their own pearls). A "living" pearl is worth a kingdom's ransom (and has been used as such) since with the proper magic, the dragon can be magically enslaved to serve the pearl's possessor.

Dragon Psychology
Perhaps it was because Phylax created the dragons to protect mankind from elemental and other forces, but all dragons are obsessed with gaining and preserving power in all its forms, whether wealth, magic, political and military.

Dragons are fiercely competitive and obsessed with social position. Though not over fond of gambling, they do enjoy contests of call kinds, especially riddles and insulting word play where (in rare group settings) everyone publicly keeps score of everyone's relative standing.

Dragons tend to paranoia and are very subtle. Rarely do they reveal their existence to others, preferring to act indirectly through others to accomplish their goals, the more convoluted the plan, the better. Part of their reasoning may be a fear of exposing themselves to attack if their presence is known, as well as the Dragon's Law prohibiting direct confrontation between dragons.

Dragon Society
Dragon society is feudal in nature and is organized along clan lines. Each dragon is fiercely protective of his territory, which he sees as an extension of itself. Dragons are generally loyal to their clutch-mates and their clan only because they see them as allies of circumstance and because they fear retribution. Dragons can be very vengeful, but never to the point of endangering their own position. About the only time dragons voluntarily gather is the great convocation which occurs every seven years. All dragons must gather to renew their oaths of obedience, starting with clan leaders who must give their oaths to The Dragon Lord, then on down to the individual clutches. 

Dragon Law
While it might seem that dragon society is in constant turmoil, it is quite stable. It is held in place by two factors: the dragons' preference of intrigue to direct confrontation and The Dragon's Law. The Dragon Lord established this law after the Elemental War at the end of the First Age in which half of dragon kind was banished to the southern continent. Recognizing the danger's of the dragons' territorial natures and the destruction of the war, the Drakyre feared the destruction of the world itself should further conflicts rage unchecked. The Dragon Lord thus established a law that no dragon could enter another's Korion (territory) unless he had already received an oath of fealty from that dragon. Disobedience required the offending dragon to take an oath of fealty to the trespassed dragon or face the wrath of the Dragon Lord himself. Since the Dragon Lord had personally banished half of his race, the law has remained unbroken.
<html><img src="first-age-east.png" align="left" style="padding:3px 3px 3px 0"><div style="clear:both"></div></html>
Anghar, though slightly smaller than earth in mass, is somewhat larger and less dense. Hollow bubbles called [[Stomas]], many of which are inhabited by a variety of life forms, pocket the crust.

Anghar also has a wide variety of rare magical and semi-magical elements. 
*Ergonite being the most valued by mages for its ability to attract and store the magical energy called karis. Others include: 
*Theradite, which radiates heat and dim red light in the presence of karis,
*Phosite, which radiates visible light in the presence of karis, and the highly dangerous: 
*Luonomite, which reacts violently in the presence of karis and thus is never found in its pure form.

Semi-magical metals include:

*Argentium (living silver) can be forged (with the proper arcane rituals) into extremely hard yet lightweight items. It is a natural karis conductor and easily enchanted. It can be alloyed with steel to form argent steel or white steel.
*Aurium (living gold) radiates karis at a frequency that neutralizes active schemas (magic). It is not suitable for weapons in its pure form, however it can be combined with steel to form auric steel, which enjoys the same anti-schema qualities and is quite suitable for weapons.
*Gold, the "dead" form of Aurium does not have anywhere near the level of anti-schema power. However, it does offer some small protection from schemas that affect the mind &mdash; one reason why it is commonly used in fashioning crowns.
*Iron/Steel is a karis resister and tends to heat in the presence of strong karis. Karis tends to "stick" to iron, disrupting the natural flow of karis, and making the fashioning of schemas difficult. It can be effectively enchanted, and will not effect schemas that are already formed. Red blood (which contains iron) has much the same disrupted effect, which is why those who use ritual sacrifices do so at the end of their rituals. (The proper end to a ritual is just as important as the beginning).
*Silver, the "dead" form of Argentium has much the same karis conductive power of Argentium.
Name: Hrtryn

Appearance: Average height and build, tan skin, brown hair. They dress in simple utilitarian clothes made from natural fibers.

Home Region: Central plains area.

Housing: Mostly rural or small villages. Buildings are made primarily of wattle and daub or wooden construction, occasionally some stone buildings in larger villages.

Diet: Well established agricultural base provides ample grain and vegetables, also plenty of meat from ranching. Fish is scarcer and restricted to river and lake varieties.

Social/Political Structure: Loose political structure, ruled primarily by elders or elected aldermen.

Additional Information: these peaceful, agrarian people are the oldest and most numerous of the races. Though primarily farmers and ranchers, they are also successful traders. They are a simple people, fond of wit, music, food and clever games.

The relationship between the sexes is somewhat egalitarian, though utilitarian is probably more accurate. While their society is traditionally patriarchal, women take an active role in every aspect of life. The majority of women manage their households while the men are expected to "earn a living", yet women are at least as likely to be found in the market place selling the fruit of their men's labors. It is not unusual to also find a few businesses owned by women, and women have occasionally been known to rise to the rank of guild master and other city leader.
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<html><img src="continent.png" align="left" style="padding:3px 3px 3px 0"><div style="clear:both"></div></html>
# The East -- This is where the tribes of Man first lived. It is believed that the High Mountain was located near here.
#The Great Chasm -- An enormous canyon which separates the eastern part of the northern continent. The tribes of Man spent nearly half of the Second Age just trying to negotiate this obstacle.
#The Six Cities -- On the edge of the Burning Wastes, this is where the tribes of Man settled at the beginning of the Third Age.
#Star Haven -- This southern port city rivals the six capital cities in size and nearly qualifies as a seventh capital. It is the gateway to the islands as well as the other coastal cities.
#Roesh-Kephalia -- Also known as the Island of the Mages, this island is the head of chain of islands that are known to be rich in natural ergonite deposits.
#The Dragon's Wall -- A mammoth barrier created by The Dragon Lord that is only partly physical in nature. It separates the northern continent from the accursed southern continent.
#The Burning Wastes -- A massive desert at the center of which lies the Sea of Glass. A natural reservoir for a variety of both magical and natural precious minerals.

The earliest form of economic exchange was bartering. Even in the Third Age it remains common, especially in areas which are at some distance from major trading centers. The first step towards a monetary system was the introduction of trading tokens near the beginning of the First Age. Trading tokens, which represented the items being traded, were used as a form of "IOU." A fisherman, for example, might agree to give a farmer fish throughout the year in exchange for a portion of the wheat at harvest time. The farmer would give the fisherman a number of wheat tokens representing the amount to be repaid. In order to keep everyone honest, and to avoid misunderstandings, these tokens were often baked into clay envelopes to seal the deal. The problem with this approach, however, appeared for those who had a number of such deals, since they couldn't tell what was in the envelopes until they were broken open (which was only supposed to be done when they were redeemed). Pressing a number of tokens into the side of the clay envelope while it was wet solved this problem. It was not long before the tokens ceased to be used and tablets of clay were used to record contracts in what was becoming the first written language.

The First Currency

Copper was the first metal to be discovered and used extensively, it was usually fashioned into knives and axe heads. When a process was discovered to melt the copper and pour it into axe-shaped molds, these copper axe heads began to take on the roll of the first true currency because -- unlike trading tokens -- the axe heads had an innate value and could be traded for many different items. Even when bronze began to replace the softer copper as the metal of choice for axe heads, copper axes continued to be made for the sole purpose of trade. That these axes were intended solely for trade is indicated by the fact that they were never sharpened, and actually grew smaller and thinner to make them easier to trade.

The First Coins

At the same time, other precious metals such as gold, electrum, silver (and in some places iron & tin) began to be used in trade. These metals could take a variety of forms from dust and nuggets to large bars. All were traded by weight so they had to be measured out. To facilitate trade, various merchants and merchant guilds began to fashion pre-measured disks of metal and stamp them with their value. Because some merchants would use false weights or debase the metal by adding in lesser quality metals, the ruling authorities began to restrict the right to issue coinage.

The Coins of Anghar

In the World of Anghar, there are four basic coins: The gold aster, the silver trochee (TROW-kee), the copper aesc and the bronze kerma. Each coin trades at a sixteen to one ratio. Which means 1 coin is worth sixteen of the next lowest denomination. Occasionally coins of 1/2 and 1/4 value of each type are issued, however the primary method of making change is to simply cut the coin. So when a merchant hands you a half-silver, he really hands you half of a silver piece. While some people have been known to "shave" coins (and most merchants are known to reject shaven coins) the smallest regularly traded piece of a coin is 1/8. This is known as a "bit" or a "piece of eight". Each bit is equal to two coins of the next lowest type. To convert large numbers of coins to higher denominations just halve the numbers. For example, if someone had 24 coppers this would convert to 12 silver bits or 6 silver quarters or three half silvers. Thus 24 coppers equal 1 and 1/2 silvers.

How much is it worth?

The most common coin a peasant will ever deal with is the copper aesc, which is approximately equal to 2.50 U$. This gives silver coins a value of 1/8=$5, 1/4=$10, 1/2=$20 and 1 silver=$40 which is probably a little high considering that 1 silver is the traditional wage for a laborer's day of work -- so prices may have to be adjusted a bit. One thing to bear in mind is that this is a pre-industrial society, so manufactured goods are rarer and more expensive than today, while peasants (and labor) are plentiful and cheap. In this society, there are no disposable goods and planned obsolescence is unimaginable. It is much better to repair a thing than to buy new. The one exception to the rarity of manufactured goods is in the six cities (particularly Argentium) which are just beginning to enter a magical-industrial age. Land is even cheaper. In fact if you can clear it, farm it, defend it from the dark races and pay your taxes and knight's duties, then it's pretty much free!

How much does that coin weigh?

"Weight is usually stated in gold pieces, 10 gold pieces equalling 1# (pound)." This quote (including the misspelling) is taken from page 102 of Advanced Dungeon & Dragons ® Players Handbook 1st ed. © 1978 by TSR Games.

The author obviously pulled this number out of thin air. He was off by at least a factor of 10. Even a casual researcher would immediately find that coins fashioned from precious metal are generally measured in grains not ounces. In the ancient world, there were six principal weight standard and each standard had a coin called a drachma. These were:

|Standard|Weight of Drachma in grains|

As you can see the lowest weight is 56, the highest is 97 with an average of 75.42. This means the least number of coins per pound would be 72.16 with the highest 125 and an average of 92.81. (A far cry from 10 huh!) As you can see the coins of AD&D are completely unrealistic. In the world of Anghar, to keep things simple, we will simply use 100 coins to the pound or a weight of 70 grains. Slightly below the average, but well within historical parameters.
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<div id='contentFooter'><p>TiddlyWiki was created by <a href='http://tiddlywiki.com'>Jeremy Ruston</a> and TiddlyKubrick was created by <a href='http://checkettsweb.com'>Clint Checketts</a></p></div>
Name: Rahidyn

Appearance: Tall, light build, light skin but dark hair. They also have large slanted, oval-shaped eyes. They generally wear ornate robes and are fond of jewelry which is often magical.

Home Region: Foothills of the Argent Mountains.

Housing: Large cities and villages. Buildings are of wood and stone.

Diet: Rich and varied, mostly traded for.

Social/Political Structure: People are organized by fraternal organizations which represent special interest groups and ruled by a magearchy.

Additional Information: Rahidyn have a natural tendency towards magic. they are a rich and powerful people; even the lower classes are generally well educated and aristocratic in their bearing.
Name: Ruakyn

Appearance: Tall with a muscular build, black skin and hair. They are fond of wearing the skins of large predatory animals.

Home Region: Arid, western mountain areas.

Housing: Hide tents or temporary wooden shelters.

Diet: Hunter-gathering society.

Social/Political Structure: Organized on tribal, elder lines and ruled by a warrior king.

Additional Information: Much like the Tzorvyn in attitude and temperament, yet less organized socially. Aggressive and militaristic, they value the individual warrior above all.

While their society might at first appear to be rigidly male-dominated, that is not at all the case. The short, violent lives of the men have made this a matriarchal society. Land and other real property are typically inherited through the women. Men must earn the right of marriage through combat prowess. Sometimes women will set a task that her suitor must accomplish (such as killing a feared predator) though a suitor will often simply kill all rival suitors. While a woman can be "won" by combat (by killing her former husband) she still has the right to say no (generally by choosing another champion to fight her suitor).

Marriages are almost always monogamous. Though a woman taking a second husband has been known to occur, such marriages generally end in bloodshed.
the world wiki
Slavery, unfortunately, is a very old and well-established institution. Among the territories of Man, slavery rarely ever reaches the level of malignancy as was practiced in the American south. In large urban areas, where labor is cheap and plentiful, attitudes towards slavery could almost be considered progressive. In the distant rural areas, slaves are more likely to be treated like property.

There are three different types of slavery. The first and most common slave is one who sells himself or is sold into slavery to cover a debt. This type of slavery only lasts for seven years. During this time the slave owner is responsible for feeding, clothing and housing the slave. The slave owner may physically discipline the slave, but if any permanent physical harm is done to him, the slave is freed and all debts or fines are considered paid in full. In many ways this type of slavery is like the apprenticeship many young boys go through starting at the age of seven.

While in many places failure to pay any debt or fine can result in seven years of slavery, in some areas (particularly the larger cities) the length of service may be adjusted in proportion to the debt. It can be as short as a day (even shorter if the judge wants to make a point regarding the merits of the case) up to, but not greater than, seven years.

The second form of slavery is the prisoner of war or one convicted of manslaughter. (Murderers are almost always executed.) This second type of slave must pay for the life they have taken with a lifetime of service -- though sometimes (particularly in the case of prisoners of war) they may ransom their freedom. These slaves have no rights and are considered true property that can be bought or sold. The only restriction on the owner is that he cannot kill or cripple them outright. Such abuse may result in a fine and or having their slave taken away.

The third type of slave is also a slave for life. Sometimes a slave who has a good master may develop a special relationship and wish to continue serving him even after the seven years are up. If he swears to serve his master faithfully for the rest of his life, he becomes a bond-slave until his master dies or chooses to release him.

Children of slaves are not automatically slaves. However, the law does not recognize children of POWs or convicted killers as belonging to them.

Signs of slavery

Lifelong slaves, such as POWs, killers and bond-slaves are usually marked to designate their status. In the case of POWs or killers, they may be branded or tattooed on the forehead and/or on the right hand. (POWs who are likely to be ransomed are usually not marked or branded unless it was a bitter conflict and the owner is really mad at the other side.) In the case of a bond slave, they are sometimes tattooed with their master's mark, but usually only given a gold ring in their right ear engraved with their master's mark.

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Name: T'howmin

Appearance: Average height and build, light skin and hair. They wear either common clothes or sailing garb.

Home Region: Primarily along the southern coast and along major rivers and lakes.

Housing: Wood and stone buildings in coastal cities and villages.

Diet: Largely seafood, supplemented with trade goods.

Social/Political Structure: Weak traditional monarchy, working with strong fishing and trading interests.

Additional Information: 
During the time of exile, before the First Age, the Elemental Lords began to draw tribes of men after themselves. It was the hope of these Elemental Lords to use men to establish a foothold in the material world. It is thought that the influence of the Elemental Lords is responsible for the differentiation of the eight primary races of Mann, for their Creator had first made them as one race.

<html><img src="elemental-spheres.png" align="left"></html>The Material Sphere in which the world of Anghar exists is surrounded by a number of immaterial spheres known to the the mages as the elemental spheres. There are four elemental spheres (Water, Air, Stone and Fire), four anti-elemental spheres (Salt, Void, Shadow and Frost) and six para-elemental spheres, which represent a union of two elements (Mist, Mud, Steam, Dust, Smoke, Lava). It might help to think of the four elemental spheres as being arranged on the points of a tetrahedron, with the faces opposite of each point as belonging to the appropriate anti-element, and the edges of the tetrahedron marking the place of the para-elements. The material world, of course, resides inside the tetrahedron.
Religion -- The people of Anghar do not know the word "religion" or "god". Faith to them, as in medieval Europe, is synonymous with "truth" and not "belief", as we moderns understand it. Such religion as they have is feudal in nature. They see the world as existing in an unbroken chain of hierarchy with the Overlord (Sometimes call the Lord of the Mountain) at the top and his Seven Servants under him, (paradoxically referred to as the Higher Lords to distinguish them from the human lords). The mortal lords and rulers of Anghar derive their authority and responsibilities from these Higher Lords.

Everyone is born under the authority of one of the Higher Lords who he generally serves all his life. Occasionally one may swear service to another lord temporarily or even on a permanent basis. All Higher Lords are seen as servants of the Overlord whom everyone ultimately serves.

The Sammahran Heresy.

At the end of the Third Age, a man appeared claiming to be the Son of the Mountain of whom it was foretold that he would lead the people back to the mountain. Since the High Mountain was destroyed in the First Age (some skeptics say it was merely lost in the westward march), this Promised One -- or Sammahra -- taught that the mountain was in their own hearts. The Way of Return, he said, was by taking the Oath of Fealty and placing the Overlord on the throne of their hearts.

This, understandably, upset the Stewards of the houses of the High Lords who first tried to stop the Sammahra from preaching this Oath, then actively sought to kill him. Like many powerful mages, he could not be harmed until his true name was spoken. It wasn't until Sitazh, the accursed, pronounced him as "Overlord and Creator of All" that he was slain with a spear. Needless to say, seven days later, he arose from the dead despite being entombed in solid aureum, confirming his identity. Even so, many of the Stewards and Overseers opposed the Sammahran Heresy until it was noted that the Stewards of the Dragon Lord (who saw to it that all the High Lords were honored) accepted the Sammahrans. The Sammahrans are now largely accepted, though many still fear them and view them with suspicion.

There are seven high lords who directly serve the Overlord of the Seven Spheres. These Seven Servants each oversee one of the seven spheres of magic. They are:

Phylax -- The Guardian. He is master over the sphere of Xaris itself and thus often referred to as the Master of Mages.

Arak -- Lord of the Elements. He is responsible for keeping the elemental powers in check.

Rutan -- Lord of Nature. He is concerned about the plants and animals as well as the raw forces of nature. He is the patron of farmers and herdsmen.

Ashaph -- Lord of Enchantment. He is the patron lord of athletes, warriors and laborers.

Malak -- Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom. He is the patron of mystics and seers as well as skilled craftsman and artisans.

Lachesh -- The Master of Spirits. He is the one turned to when faced with problems of the spirit, whether it is unrequited love or an evil N'phesh.

Theris -- (The Reaper) is the lord of the sphere of Hieromancy and Necromancy. He is the patron lord of healers, both revered and feared.

Under the Seven Servants are a host of lesser lords. Most notable among these is the Drakyr or the Dragon Lord. Actually a creation of Phylax, he was granted lordship status and rules all dragon kind under the authority of Phylax. His stewards ensure that a Kyrhar or "Lord's House" is establish in each village that all may fulfill their oaths of service to the High Lords. Others of these lesser Lords include the lords of the four elements and four anti-elements. Serving under Arak they are:

Aishe -- Lord of fire and patron lord of the Aishen.

Hrtrah -- Lord of Stone and the soil. Patron lord of the Hrtryn.

Riadhn -- Lord of the Air and patron lord of the Rahidyn.

Ruak -- Lord of the Void, jailor of the N'kroi and patron lord of the Ruakyn.

T'howmin -- Lord of the Waters, patron lord of the T'howmin and sailors everywhere.

Tlass -- Lord of the deserts and patron lord of the Tlassi.

Tzor -- Lord of Frost and patron lord of the Tzorvyn.

Vodash -- Lord of shadows and patron lord of the Voshin.


Spirit Beings

After the great rebellion before the creation of the world, the spirit beings found themselves divided into three groups. Those who served the Overlord faithfully and defended his honor continued to abide in his presence. These are called the N'mati. To this day they stand ready to carry out his word and will to the people who walk upon the face of the world.

The next order of beings are the N'phesh. These are the spirit beings that, though not having rebelled, failed to turn and fight the rebels. These have been cast out of the presence of the Overlord to wait upon his judgement. They wander about under his constant gaze, those who earn his favor may be restored, while those who do not, face immediate expulsion into the Void.

The last order of beings are the N'kroi. These are the spirit beings that rebelled. They are sometimes referred to as the un-living, for they have rejected the very source of life itself. They are imprisoned in the infinite void behind the grid of Xaris that surrounds and supports the world. Though they long to, they cannot break through into the world. Instead, they must be content to whisper their foul thoughts in the minds of the weak or susceptible. Occasionally, they find a foolish mortal willing to trade powers they offer for possession of their bodies. Though they cannot bring their full power to bear, such N'kroi loosed upon the world can be a disastrous thing indeed.

A final note: though the terms do not properly apply to them, mortals are sometimes referred to as being "of the N'mati" or "of the N'kroi". Especially those who either faithfully follow or have rebelled against the Overlord.

The Mortal Lords

The highest mortal Lord is the Archon, the ruler of all the territories of Mann. The Archon of each generation claims a direct descent from Garanth who began the First Age when he established his kingdom. While Garanth was a Hrtryn, the royal line has interbred with each of the other races until it cannot be identified as belonging to any one race. Many believe that the royal line has restored the original blood line of man to what it was before the elemental lords began to interfere and so hold the royal family in great reverence. They believe it is this quality that proves the Overlord's favor and their fitness to rule.

Beneath the Archon are the Seven Heptarchs, of which the Archon is the first and foremost. The other six Heptarchs rule over the six capital cities of Mann and their surrounding territories.

Under the Heptarchs are the Archyrs (ar-KEERS) or high lords. They function like stewards for the Heptarchs, ensuring each area with the Heptarch's territory is well governed and generally carrying out the Heptarch's will.

Under the Archyrs are the Teckyrs (tek-KEERS) or city lords. They rule the large trading cities, and generally answer to the Archyrs. Their authority can extend into the surrounding area which sometimes causes conflicts with the next group.

Under the Teckyrs are the Korikyrs (CORE-i-keers), the rulers over the Korions or large land estates. These usually include at least one market town and the surrounding farmland.

The lowest of the aristocrats are the Harkyrs (har-KEERS) or house lords. They rule a single estate. They are charged with defending it and ensuring it remains productive. The goal of most knights is to be granted a small estate so they can become an Harkyr.
Prehistory--It is generally believed that when the Overlord called "The Lord of the Mountain" by the humans and "Iyahm" or "Father Creator" by the Faeyn prepared to create the universe, he first revealed his plan to his engineers (the elementals). They were all delighted and amazed, but one spirit being called "Shiva Kael" by the humans or "Synngeal" by the Faiyn was not. It was Synngael's job to hold the mantle of the Overlord's glory to ensure that all bowed before it, and he was not happy that the Overlord should abase himself by creating children for himself out of dust and then elevating them even above his servants. Synngael took the mantle and placed it upon himself, to assume the authority of the Overlord and stop the construction, burning himself horribly by the act. He then fled the presence of the Overlord, appearing before the Elemental Lords sewing dissension until civil war broke out. The Overlord himself stopped the fighting, took up his mantle and dredged it through the elemental chaos the now fallen lords had created. In the mantle was found the world Anghar suspended like a fish in a net over the Void. The rebellious servants were cast into the Void that was left behind to serve as their prison. This net is said to be the grid of magical energy that surrounds the world called "Xaris" (pronounced KAR-is).

Another story tells how, after creating the world, the Lord established his mountain in the east. There he held court and lived with his newest creation, Mann. Those spirits, which neither rebelled nor turned against the rebels he cast out into the world to await their judgement, either to be restored to His court or to be cast into the Void. During this time of waiting, Mann was to wait upon the mountain. (The stories here are unclear whether this was a single man or a single tribe of men.) But Mann did not obey. Persuaded by the whisperings of Synngael, he left the mountain and incurred the Lord's judgement on those cast out into the world. Mann was forbidden, on pain of being cast into the Void, to return to the Lord's court and the way back up the mountain was hidden. However as each soul returns to its Creator upon death, the Lord offered to suspend judgement on all who swore allegiance to the Lord of the Mountain and the One he would send to guide them in their return.

For hundreds of generations, young boys would be taken into the wilderness surrounding the mountain to spend a few days alone in the wild as a rite of passage. The secret hope of each boy, and of each tribe, was that one of these boys would be chosen to be the One and would have the path of return revealed to him so that he could lead the people back up the mountain.

First Age: A 2000 year period often called "The Age of Chaos" was marked by a series of 8 empires as each of the 8 human races rose to dominance, over the same east-coast area. It is at this time that the Crysknights appeared to protect mankind from the elemental forces each of which sought to ally itself with one of the races in an effort to dominate the rest of mankind, the world, and then the other elemental planes.

The age ended when the High Mountain was destroyed during the Elemental War of the Anarch (causing no small theological crisis). The Crysknights are destroyed but the dragons, which had been created by Phylax some years earlier, step in to protect mankind.

Second Age: A 2000-year period known as "The Age of Law." The Dragon Lords, warriors who had sworn service to the dragons, established law and order and attempted to unite the various races of Mann, leading them away from the ravaged East Coast in fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.

Third Age: The current age sometimes called "The Age of Peace." The eight human races have been temporarily stopped in their westward march by the Burning Wastes and by the introduction of the Sammahran Heresy. They have grown numerous and prosperous, centering around six large metropolises collectively known as "The Six Cities of Mann".

Fourth Age: An age prophesied to come in which all of creation will be reconciled with its creator. 
Name: Tlassi

Appearance: Short, light build, dark hair and skin. They dress in loose robes.

Home Region: Deep desert.

Housing: Tents.

Diet: Nomadic hunter-gatherers and herdsmen.

Social/Political Structure: No formal structure. Occasionally a warlord will gather some of the family groups, but such organizations are short lived.

Additional Information: Tlassi are generally known as mystics. Though highly skilled in combat, they are fond of esoteric knowledge and are often trained in some form of magic. They are generally a friendly and hospitable people, though their assassins are feared all over the world. Their main economic products are their herds, handicrafts and spices.
Name: Tzorvyn

Appearance: Tall, muscular, with light colored hair and pigmentation. They wear mostly furs and skins. They wear their hair and beards long and generally braided before going into battle.

Home Region: High northern mountains

Housing: Long communal wooden houses or stone citadels.

Diet: Primarily hunter gathering society who have only recently settle down. They eat game, roots, berries and have begun to grow grains. The discovery of brewing has been a major civilizing force.

Social/Political Structure: People are organized by tribes under a complex feudal structure.

Additional Information: Once a nomadic race, they outgrew their hunting areas and were forced to live in semi-permanent settlements. Years of infighting have resulted in well-established tribal territories being carved out. A complex feudal system and frequent intermarriage links the tribes together and helps maintain an uneasy peace. They are an aggressive, outgoing people, not given to much introspection, and are kept together by a complex code of honor and a sense of duty to the Higher Lords.
Name: Voshin

Appearance: Short, heavy build, bronze skin and light hair. They dress in kilt-like tunics.

Home Region: Underground caverns, generally near valuable veins of metal or crystals.

Housing: As above.

Diet: Voshin are wealthy enough to trade for all kinds of food, but the traditional diet includes various subterranean roots, fungi, molds and invertebrates (mostly worms and bugs).

Social/Political Structure: Highly organized collectives ruled by craft-masters. They are an egalitarian meritocracy. Men are still more common in positions of leadership only because of the demands of child-rearing which is exclusively done by the women until the children are apprenticed at the age of seven.

Additional Information: Voshin are best known as miners, smiths, gem-cutters and craftsmen. They associate closely with the Duergar.
<html><img src="anghar-globe.jpg" align="left" style="margin:0 5px 5px 0"></html> Welcome to Anghar the Land of the four moons.  

Legends say that its name was once Eyomhar "Home of Creation" but when Theris the Hunter learned he had accidentally killed his eldest daughter, and last surviving child, he cursed the world and called it Anghar, meaning "Home of Misery."